Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You know you're in trouble when you hear your middle name.

Cute little Livy-isms are getting so frequent around our house that I forget to blog about them. A few nights ago Toddler O and a number of our family members were eating dinner outside enjoying spring. We all had our grilled meats and veggies and O had her's too with the standard sippy cup of milk as well. O has recently gotten a habit of swishing her milk around in her mouth. I guess it makes that cool sound that only you can hear from the inside of your head. Anyway, some of her "swishing" milk got out and hit Hot Wife. Oops!

Why is it when parents get angry they call you by your WHOLE name? Given first name, middle, and last. No middle initial. Well, in classic parent fashion, Hot Wife began her discipline with... OLIVIA... ANN... and before she could get out the rest, Toddler O exclaimed "DUFFEEEEEY!" with the kind of exuberance you'd find from someone who thought they'd win something if they got it right. If you're a parent you understand the struggle not to laugh at events like this and Hot Wife kept her cool while the rest of us snickered.

Other than the wisecracks from Toddler O, things have been pretty steady lately. I have re-learned that pretending to feed Dora helps O eat her meals. This was a trick I thought we had graduated from months ago but it has returned and very handy.

I'm sure we'll have more -isms to write about next time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

They're Here... Finally

After weeks, no months, of waiting for a convenient yet dry day to take Toddler O's two-year portraits, we finally made it to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens to take a few snaps. I ended up with about 15 selects and boy am I pleased with the results!


Have you ever tasted a great strawberry? One that is fresh off the vine. No. Really just off the vine. Toddler O, Hot Wife, Poppy, and Dede went to the strawberry patch to pick berries. The rules are you can eat all you can while picking. Toddler O ate about 20!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bend But Don't Break

Hooray! Cod is home.

If you have been following us lately, we've been really concerned about Bill aka Cod and his battle with leukemia. Here's the facts folks:
  • Cod was in the hospital for over 40 days which is a long time for anyone, but especially a guy who's used to being outside on a golf course.
  • He endured two chemotherapy treatments. The first was unsuccessful, but the second one that we'll call "The Beast" put the leukemia in remission. Hence the title of the article, "bend but don't break". Cod's body was put to the test, but he didn't break!
  • Cod had over a dozen blood transfusions and even more platelet transfusions.

There are many more facts that I could share, but I just don't know them. We are just so happy Cod is better and in his home. Thank you all for prayers! God listens and answers.

Cod, if you read this, we know you still have a long road ahead of you, but we're so proud of you strength and perserveriance.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Farmer and The Duff

Have I blogged yet about wanting chickens in my backyard? If not, let me catch you up to speed. For months now, I've been talking to close friends and family about wanting to raise chickens for their fresh eggs. No roosters please, the cock-a-doodle-doo will surely wake the neighbors. Most thought I was joking, but Hot Wife knew that there was at least an ounce of seriousness which scared her.

Well apparently I'm not the only one interested in urban chicks. There is a whole movement as shown in the Kansas City . Com Article. The seed that was planted by Dr. Walsh may not be ready for harvest, but surely hasn't wasted away.

In the mean time, Hot Wife has found someone that was willing to barter fresh yard raised eggs for Arbonne products. I guess that's an okay solution.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

New Pics

Congratulations Michael!

Pics here: http://duffey.smugmug.com/gallery/8169529_rj4Jm#533324960_eMiMc

Duffey Family Update

Pics here: http://duffey.smugmug.com/gallery/4240497_zkPXk#533331267_FCRbp

Monday, May 04, 2009

Monsoon Season in The Ham

Okay, so it's been raining. Rain does a lot. It brings nourishment to plants, quiches thirst, and gives little birds a nice place to play. However, lately little drops from heaven have fallen for three days straight. Instead of bringing life and fun to the little birdies, we've got a leak in our ceiling and a flooded garden. I should take pics, but trust me on this one.

Another casualty of the rain is Toddler O's two-year-old pictures. They were penciled in three weeks ago, but we got lazy, then two weeks ago, and we were out of town, and finally this past weekend, and the monsoon won.

We'll eventually get to the "official" two year pics, but for now, here's a few snaps from the last few days.