Monday, April 09, 2007

Tomatoes: The Preparation

First of all, is it tomato or tomatoe? Tomato looks correct in the singular form, but tomatoes looks better in the plural. Hmm. Look at it! Seriously...

So far, not so good. I started by getting some tomato plants at Home Depot about two weeks ago. I prepped the ground around our deck with soil, manure (umm!), fertilizer, et. al., and sowed the plants. Much to my dismay, we had a historical cold spell that killed all the plants and almost got our hydrangeas as well.

Since the disaster, I've learned much more about tomatoes. Actually, I'm pretty excited that I get another chance to give gardening a shot.

Thanks to my neighbor, who introduced me to that sells heirloom varieties of tomatoes. Some of them are absolutely amazing. I never realized that tomatoes come in so many sizes and shapes.

Okay, so now I have cleaned out the holes with the dead plants and prepped them for the new plants. I am not sure if I am going to order from Tastful Garden's website or wait until they come to the Pepper Place market in Birmingham. Hmm. I'll keep the blog posted with the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SAM - There's a pretty large selection of heirloom tomato plants at the BBG plant sale. Go check them out! :)MT