Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Recap

First you need to know that elves are HUGE this year. Our Elf on the Shelf, Barbie Love, has kept an eye on us all for over a month. For most of the nights when she went back to The North Pole, she was thankfully able to take a good report. Of course there were a few days that had their trials but I'm pretty sure the big guy overlooks the occasional minor slip of discretion.

While we are on the topic of elves, Toddler O has established many types of elves. Her favorite is the "Action Elf" which she is when she's busy doing stuff with Amy or Dede. You know how a few days before Christmas things get quite crazy. So in the mix of purposed chaos, Toddler O was quick to say, "Dede... Today we're Action Elves!"

Just in case you need to know... Aunt 'Tacy made Oreo Balls with Golden Oreos. Dang. They are so good they hurt your teeth a little. I'm not sure what the recipe is, but I taste Oreo, white chocolate, butter, and a little more butter.


Issa's here!

We've visited Duff and CC in Georgia last week. Traveling is tough with a three-year-old but the visit was quite nice. Of course Michael and Cole continue to mature well and have turned into quite nice young men. The big hit at CC and Duff's was the Bitty Baby Twins (American Girl) O received. Toddler O, has faithfully played with them and taught them like the good "mother" she is.

Okay so that was one of my tangents... Back to Issa...

Issa has arrived and is a nice fixture in our home. Living many miles away in Florida, Issa has to re-acclimate to life in Birmingham. And by the way, when I say "re-acclimate" I don't mean the weather. Living with a three-year-old is not for the weary and requires a little adjustment.

So Issa is adapting to life in our home and of course Toddler O has targeted her to do everything. Issa MUST sit beside her at dinner, give her a bath, and of course put her to bed. Unfortunately Issa doesn't know all of the routine things that occur each night and just in case you don't know, a three-year-old will be quick to point out anything that is abnormal. Case in point, when Issa was putting Toddler O to bed, she made the mistake of putting all the books on the floor except the one that was being read.

Toddler O says, "Issa you can't do that! I need them [the other books] to read"

Issa, "I have the book we're reading right here."

O, "No, no, no. I need those books in my bed to read."

Issa, "Sorry, I just didn't understand."

Toddler O, proceeds to tattle to Barbie Love (Elf on The Shelf), that Issa was being "bad" by putting the books on the floor.

Issa responds, "like I said, I just didn't understand"

Toddler O then pleads with the big man himself and I don't mean Santa, "Dear God, please help Issa understand".

Of course that got a nice laugh from us all. We tell O to ask God to help her when she is sad, angry, hurt, maybe even confused, but never thought she would use God's power to help Issa understand our nighttime ritual.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Back!!!

So after seven months of a sabbatical from blogging, I have made it back to hone my writing/historian skills.

For those few of you who have reminded me many times that I haven't been updating the blog, I truly have a good excuse. I have started a new career - career not job - and have been quite busy developing a new sales force. Is that an excuse, probably not, but I have been very tied up in tactical daily tasks.

So Sam catch me up you ask... Well Toddler O keeps growing and at age three, Christmas is especially fun this year. Fun (and not so fun) traits from both her mother and father are developing each day. For example she loves to have a good time like me and is a great caregiver like Amy. As well, she also can be pitch-a-fit like me and tends to be a little OCD like her mom. Oh well... Sperm meet egg.

I really don't have any great content today and I just wanted to warm up the blog from months of pause. And though I doubt I'll be able to post an update more than once a week, I'd like to have weekly increments of content to share with all you faithful readers.

Thank you for coming back to visit!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Toga, toga, toga

So I was just thinking... Isn't that how most blog posts begin? Our family has shared many special moments with numerous people we consider our "family". Every one of those moments or memories are special to us and I hope them too. However, as Toddler O runs around the house in a homemade toga, I am so proud to have a few moments just to myself for my owns selfish enjoyment.

Update... She just upgraded the attire with my brown dress shoes. Priceless.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


O just asked me to hold her hand like boyfriend-girlfriend. Yep. I am now mush. She could ask for the moon and I'd start tying ropes together.
SDD Mobile Email

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

We Have A House Guest

There is a mouse in our house and Hot Wife is ready to put up a For Sale sign.

Toddler O is helping with the mouse trap!

UPDATE: The mouse had his final meal. Peanut butter... Creamy

Sunday, March 07, 2010

You can watch Dora now because...

Usually Sundays don't entail Dora movies, but today I am going to church and Amy is cooking dinner, so Dora is a good option.

Livy: Can I watch Dora?

Hot Wife: Why yes. As a matter of fact I want to watch the Oscars tonight and Dora now is fine.

Livy: Oscars? Will Elmo be there too?
SDD Mobile Email

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

Sled from CC and Duff three years ago; $100

Snow clothes rarely used; $40

4" of Snow in Alabama; Priceless.