Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Check Out The New Template

If you are viewing through a reader go to

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas Uno

We just got back from a Christmas visit with our family in Georgia. We had a great time visiting, eating, and opening presents!

Upon our arrival back home today, we were planning to put together one of O's new toys from Duff and CeCe -- a full-size playhouse.

First it was a pain in the tail feathers to put together, but once we got it up, O loved it. She walked right in and had a tea party. Yea!

The one thing that Duff and CeCe did not account for in their toy transaction is our lack of space in our itty-bitty lovely house. So right now it's in the hall way. I hope we don't trip over it on a midnight trip to the potty!!!

The house is great and O absolutely loves it. So... I suppose the solution is to make it work. Maybe we'll have to give up something like the diaper changing table. Well shouldn't she be potty training now anyway? Maybe this will be a good excuse to begin.

We can't wait to see O play in her house more tomorrow!

Also, in the recesses of our minds we are still very scared since one more set of grandparents has not shown their plan for O's Christmas. We are fearfull that there will be even more plastic stuff in our house before the end of the week. Oh well, I guess this is just part of growing up. For O, or for US, I don't know which!

By the way, I've got more pictures uploaded. Just click the picture above and the link will take you to more.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why Wolf Camera Stinks

  1. Their store has more picture frames and such than actual photography equipment.
  2. They don't have items such as film or tripod accessories in stock. You can't sell what you don't have.
  3. While they still carry diverse equipment, the employees aren't trained to know about many of the higher end products.
  4. Scrapbooks are for sissys.
  5. They don't sell a decent selection of film. I'm not even looking for a great selection - decent will do.
Back when I first started going to Wolf they looked totally different. They had great equipment in stock and knew about it. I guess like many businesses, they have dumbed down to the lease common denominator. I like to patronize area stores, but I suppose, I'll have to start shopping like Ron - online.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Duffey's got a big ole head.

It started off with a co-worker seeing one of my pictures of Birmingham. She asked if I could put it in sepia and emailed to her so that she could print it for a friend. Of course I obliged and sent it to her.

She gets the canvas back and it looks awesome there here's the kicker... She asked me to sign my work. "My work!" I didn't know if had work.

Anyway, with a newly sized head, I signed my work. If I'm famous one day, Julie you can know you have received my first signed masterpiece. "Masterpiece" used loosely.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Health Update

Those of you that have been reading for a while know that I've been undergoing treatment for hepatitis C, a liver disease. Unfortunately yesterday I was informed that after twenty weeks of medications, the treatment was not responsive. Obviously we all wished for a better outcome, but I surely won't miss the side-effects once they go away!

Through this results, opportunities are abound, and the Duffey's will march on. The one thing that hasn't changed is God's sovereignty through out this process. Therefore, we are thankful for all His blessings, even those we can't understand. For that, we have much comfort!

So what is the plan? Well, I don't consider this an extremely urgent matter so we'll most likely wait a few more years until something hopefully better is discovered. As a matter of fact, there are some promising treatments in testing now that I might seek once approved.

Thank you for all your prayers for me and my family! I wish you could understand how they have kept us standing tall through the past 24 months.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Old Heel-toe Technique

Band nerds, you can probably follow me pretty well with this post. Others, you may need some explanation.

Yesterday, I was walking through my house very quietly. That is what you do with a sleeping baby and a desperate need for quiet adult time. You see our house is a great old house that was built in the 1950's. It is so charming with the original hardwood floors. The problem is that old hardwood floors aren't the most discrete especially in a quiet house.

That's when I realized it. I am a much quieter walker than Hot Wife! Then I remembered my special training band camp. One of the first things a young band nerd learns is to walk softly using the heel-toe technique which allows a smooth movement thus quality marching and sound. Wow! I had a nerd flashback.

So, for those of you who want to know how to do the heel-toe or maybe you need a refresher, here's the steps (ha I made a funny).
  1. From a standing position, take a step forward with your left foot. The step should be a comfortable pace about 12 to 18 inches in distance.
  2. The impact point for the first step should be soft and on the heel of your foot.
  3. With a arcing motion, the weight of your left foot should move toward the front. Simultaneously, your right foot should be beginning to bear some weight toward the front lifting the heel off the ground.
  4. Once your left foot can comfortably bear most of your weight evenly, then proceed with a step forward with your right foot being sure to land on the heel.
  5. Just like the left foot roll your arch toward the front of your foot evenly distributing weight and begin back stepping with your left foot.
  6. Repeat over and over.
I know it sounds complicated, but each step should be comfortable. The key is a soft rolling motion that keeps your legs, waist, and upper body still.

A good quality gate is one more reason why I believe band nerds will eventually rule the world.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The're All Up.

In classic Duffey fashion, our Christmas decorations are up! Yep, the day after Thanksgiving all Christmas spirit must be in full gale force. Mission accomplished!

Baby O loves her Christmas tree especially all the fun ornaments.

I always enjoy bringing out the decorations because it's a good time to reflect from years past. It is amazing how some ornaments bring back so many memories. I love all the personalized that Hot Wife's parents give us each year. They are a chronicle of our life together; engaged, married, expecting, and family. I also love the ornaments that my mom gave to me. I remember putting up all of them as a young boy.

Mom, if your reading, we also got out the Muppet stuffed animals that you got at Hardees circa 1983. Yep, they've been around a lot, right!

Ahh, I can't forget to mention the skinny rubber bendy Santa -- a fixture in all my Christmas' growing up. I don't know why, but I always loved it. You can bend the Santa's legs and arms to hang, sit, or wrap him around just about anything. It really a funny little figure -- if you have a hard time following, there's a picture of Baby O with it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Merry Christmas From the Duffey's

Thanks for visiting so much this year!!! I am so thankful that you have been interested in my family or views or other random posts.

I've updated the blog theme for the month of December. I am sure there will be many opportunities to share pictures and of course a funny story or two. I also hope to share with you some holiday tips since there's not point in you making the same mistakes as me - right?

Thanks for your visit and please come back soon!

~~ Sam

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cleaning Leaves

Pictures at SmugMug.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Road Trip

I am so thankful that the last three weeks of treatments have been the best so far. Only a few lingering side-effects hindered our weekend time. Yea!

As a matter of fact, we just returned from a family road trip. "Oh the agony", one might say, but it wasn't so bad at all.

The trip began heading toward Columbus, Georgia to see our dear friends Garett and Mary Martha. Their daughter, AH, was literally waiting at the door for us to arrive with Baby O. She had already donned her Cinderella costume and prepared Ariel for Baby O. It took O a while, but once she warmed up, the costume went on and never came off. Goofy kids!

The goal of the trip was to see Grandma Issa and Cod so we proceeded down south. After the third time through Finding Nemo only by hearing since O had the screen, I thought briefly about the pain that would follow by banging my head against the steering wheel. Well, we all survived - me included - and made it to the grandparents house sans Buddie the cat since she heard us coming about forty miles out.

In classic grandparent form, our arrival was met with gifts. Nope, this was not Christmas or our first visit ever as for those one might expect the extra pomp and circumstance. It was just a normal visit with abnormal humans called grandparents. They are ALL crazy, but it's just a part of their job description. The new toys and goo-goo eyed grandparents kept O occupied as Hot Wife and I unloaded the car.

Like I said, the weekend was great treatment-wise, so we all enjoyed the excellent weather and great resources offered from costal life. O performed all her tricks which included Pee-Pie, ABC puzzles, and saying "thank you". O also hunted lizzards and Buddie the cat to no avail. I think Buddie the cal really likes no one. She just shows up enough to get her next meal and a warm house.

Buddie made her presence known at the most inopportune time. Argh! We had just about gotten Baby O to sleep when Buddie let out a loud "meow" and of course, O became instantly alert to her arrival. Parents, you know the feeling when this happens.

We were sad to leave the lifestyle of Ponte Vedra Beach, but we must move on. Savannah, here we come!

My aunt and uncle have a home in Savannah. They seem to like the climate and golf, but I think it's really the grandkids that bring them back so often. Upon our arrival, we acheived tourist bliss, by visiting the river front area. I use the word "bliss" loosely since I typically despise the touristy spots, but sometimes you've just got to go. Right? The river front area is very nice though and beautiful to boot. We ate crab bisque and buttery prailenes. Yum!

The highlight of the Savannah leg of our trip was dinner with my cousins. We'll call them the Cleaver's. Dad is a hard-working provider, mom a loving care giver, and two daughters with an angelic graceousness. Hot Wife and I were encouraged to see such a family. Thank's ya'll. By the way, if you are reading this, O loves the book and baby you gave her. She has named the baby "baby". Go figure!

Well our trip summary has come to a close for those of you who have kept reading. The drive home consisted of another three viewings of Finding Nemo. Nemo is much better than a crying baby!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Tag You're It

Ok so two of my friends and sent this to me, Val and Megan M. I never do this stuff but I am trying to get better with the blog world.

So you pick the fourth picture folder and the fourth picture in the folder and explain the picture. Now send to four blogging friends.

We do not have pictures on my computer so Sam sent me the picture. After you see this you can decide for yourself it was really the right picture.

So this is my teeth. I have no idea why he took this or where he took it. He loves to take pictures and do crazy things with them and I will bet this is one of them.

Now I tag MM (Mary Martha), Lauren W ( I am making you post again), and Rene. All of my other blogging friends have sent this to me.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Baby O packing her bag.

She clearly is taking her toys seriously. She has been checking and double checking like Santa Clause. Crazy girl.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sad but true...

Saturday, November 01, 2008



Friday, October 31, 2008

Upon Review of My Facebook Updates...

Congratulations Ron! Who is she?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vote for the Maverick!

I appreciate everyone's opinion and their right to vote. So, even if you're a democrat, I urge you to get out and exercise your rights. Vote Wednesday November 5th.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

O's latest "pat pat" from school.

Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lessons from Iraq: Voting Fraud

Okay we've all heard about it lately... Voter fraud. The upcoming US presidential election is as heated as ever and therefore some folks are looking for an unfair edge. The premiere story in the news today is dealing with ACORN, a voter advocacy group. Oops, a liberal advocacy group. Did I say that? Well, they have registered Mickey Mouse and a dead goldfish. Hmmm...

My solution is simple. Take a lesson from our Iraqi friends who had their first democratic election two years ago. No high tech surveillance or studies. No profiling or duplicate documents. Just a purple finger.

Maybe we should all don a purple ink dyed finger tip proudly. You can't cover it up. It doesn't wash off until for a day or so. What does that mean? One person can vote only one time. No voter fraud!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're at the Zoo!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Baby O Portraits

Can't believe she's 18 months old? We can't either.

Click the picture above to link to more of our most recent baby portraits.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Baby O is crazy. That's it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Hayride. Smelly restroom. Ears of corn. Yep, that's what you miss if you don't make it to The Great Pumpkin Patch. Oh yeah, for a few extra clams, you can even take a helicopter ride.

Click the picture above for more photographs at Smug Mug.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Top Nine Reasons for Time Out (or spanking)

1. Squealing.
2. Biting.
3. Throwing dinner.
4. Throwing milk.
5. Spitting milk.
6. Saying "no" one too many times.
7. Stomping when things don't go your way.
8. Because I've had a bad day.
9. Because you earned it the last time and I didn't do anything about it.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Adventures with the Neti

Nope, I didn't mistake the title for "adventures with the Yetti". If you haven't met a Neti Pot, you should. It's not pretty, but you should anyway!

If you're not familiar, the Neti Pot or Neti Rinse (I use this one), is a saline based solution that washes out your nose, I mean sinus'. Take it from me, the first time is not that pretty, once you put the thing up to your nose and squirt the solution up there. Yep, up there. Then it comes out the other nostril with all the gunk stuck up in 'er.

I personally felt like I was drowning, but once it was over, could breathe like a champ.

The Neti Pot is quite popular these days, do any of you have any tips or stories?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dear Worker

Dear wage earner, no matter your political allegiance, you need to know the impact of this election. The chart herein shows a comparison between the current tax code and Obama's proposal. Depending upon your income level, it may or may not impact you all that much, but watch out if you earn around $45k. You might be paying 40% in taxes. Can you live on $27k net?

As always statistics can be deceiving. The source article is linked here, so take a look and form your own opinion.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Ok friends and viewers of our blog world, I have an important update. Our postman is back. We were out of town this weekend and came home to find our mail on the porch, a sign of Rob the postman. And today it was confirmed, I saw him driving the mail truck!! What a shady several months off. We will see if we gather anymore information for you. Several of you ask about the postman so I thought you would like the update.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Baby O the Helper

It's amazing when we see little glimpses of character traits of children. Today Baby O showed her willingness to serve by helping put up the groceries. Over months, she's been really good at helping unpack the bags, but today she took the items to the correct spot. We're really proud of her brightness, but even more her willingness to help.

By the way, she get's that character trait from her mom, Hot Wife.

On the other hand, she really likes the word, "no".

"Do you love Daddy?"


"Do you love ice cream?"


"Do you love Bama?"


At least she got one right! Just kidding all you Bama fans. Your team looked nothing less than excellent! For all you Georgia fans, the first half wasn't short enough, and the second half wasn't long enough.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Duffey's Get Down

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug!!!

First thank you for all your thoughts and prayers as I've been undergoing the treatments. Though Saturday's and Sunday's can be pretty difficult, the last few weeks have been much better. Thanks to my doctor and Hot Wife who drilled it in my head to drink lots of water. Yep, I drink100+ ounces each day! They want me to drink slightly more -- half of my body weight in ounces of water -- that's 110 for a big guy like myself! Anyway, the quality of the treatments are much better when lots of water is flowing through my body.

Tonight's another shot and will bring some aches and pains tomorrow. That's okay, it's football season. I can veg on the couch and enjoy the games. Woo Hoo! Go Dawgs!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hair Extensions!

It couldn't have happened to anyone better... Uncle Bert (Bryant) and Aunt Stacy joined Hot Wife, Baby O, and me for the UAB Liver Center's First Annual Liver Walk. After registering and getting our t-shirts, we grabbed a little breakfast and let the rest of the crowd gather. Janice Rodgers, a local TV news anchor, opened up with comments and set us off for the walk. The walk wasn't much - just from one end of the Galleria Mall and back. We actually took two laps just for good measure.

We finished the grueling walk and proceeded to the carousel where Baby O, Uncle Bert, and Aunt Stacy took a spin. I've got pictures -- who'd a guessed? Next in the agenda - door prizes. Four people won Bear Bryant prints - glad I wasn't chosen! A few other baskets were won, and then Hot Wife won a $25 gift certificate to Ruby Tuesday's. If you know her, you understand how excited she was! After a few more prizes were won, they announced a $100 gift certificate for partial hair extensions. Yep, you guessed it Bryant Moore, Uncle Bert, won it. They couldn't have drawn a better person! Congratulations Bert! I hope you enjoy your hair extensions. Just to make it worse, I later won a $50 gift certificate to Shula's Steakhouse. Woo hoo!

A special thanks is due to the doctors, nurses, and staff at the UAB Liver Center for hosting the Liver Walk. They are super caregivers and excellent support for all of their patients.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby O Love's School

Wow ya'll a two post day. I really need the real estate industry to speed up if I actually have time to post two articles in one day. Argh!!!

Anyway, Baby O absolutely loves going to "kool" as she calls it. This week she was willing to give up life and limb to get inside once she realized school was near. Her first bring home project is below.

Where are all the Duffey's in the world?

You can see where your kin is concentrated as well. Go to World Names Profiler and try it out for yourself.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Pictures

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Baby O's First Day of School (Mother's Day Out)

Baby O is so excited about her first day of school, or "kool" as she calls it. She dressed up in a cute outfit and uncomfortable shoes. What a woman does for looks! Hopefully she'll have a good time playing with the kids and learning things from the Bible.

As her Mom and Dad, we are so proud about how she is growing up!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New Pictures

Here are some new pictures from the last few weeks. No stories needed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Drum Roll Please ! ! !

Congratulations Poppy! After a long campaign for the Attalla, Alabama City Council District Five seat, Poppy came out victorious.

I also think someone else may have political aspirations:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Quick Update

It's been a while since I have posted about my liver treatments. I actually thought they were getting better until three treatments ago when the side effects have noticably gotten worse. Well, to be fair to my assessment, we have had a few other stressors in our house the last three weeks i.e. a fallen tree. This last week was not made any easier when Baby O decided to get up a 3am Sunday morning and stay up until about 5am. Needless to say we didn't make church Sunday morning. So not only did Hot Wife and I need a good nap like usual on Sunday afternoon, we took an extra long one to catch up from missed sleep the night before. I am thankful that we were able to at least catch up.

Baby O has been crazy lately. She has been really concerned about my weekend treatments. When I am taking it easy on the sofa or in bed, she really starts to act different and even a little grumpy. I guess it's her way to show her feelings.

Now generally Baby O is a super baby with a great attitude, we've noticed lately that she can also throw a world-class temper-tantrum. She has gotten in trouble twice the last few days, once after leaving the neighborhood park, and a second after leaving her best friend's house.

That's about it folks. Sorry for the somewhat shallow update - I guess I am just trying to catch up with a few storylines from Duff Stuff.

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Name

I think I'm gonna change my name to Michael Phelps.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Pretzel Sticks = Fork

Baby has been trying to eat with a spoon lately. It's really not a pretty sight. Even if she actually gets food on her spoon, the journey of six inches to her mouth sends most food to the floor. Argh! I keep reminding myself this is all good for the sake of developing skills important for growing up.

As it turns out, our little Baby O is more sharp than we give credit. Her latest angle to food consumption is to stab the item with a pretzel stick (like a fork) and put it in her mouth. She is so proud of her creativity! Trust me.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Our CRAZY Week

Ok so where do I start. Last week it was all about being a crazy Mom,this week it is about surviving. Stud told you about the tree and well it has been almost one week and today the tree was removed. We could finally survey the damage that had been done to our back yard. Stud had to cut a few more tree limbs down and now it is repair time. Speaking of repair, thank you power company and phone company for being so efficient. However, Bright House Cable is aweful. We still do not have cable and baby O has seen more Elmo and Praise Babies in these 6 days than in her entire life. They drove by several times last week and finally walked in the yard today but quickly turned around because the job was just too much. We can only hope it will be back soon.
As for our poor Stud, well "the juice" made this weekend and past week very difficult to handle. "The juice" is stress enough for him and this all added on top made for a not so good weekend. For instance he felt so bad yesterday he finished ripping the hole that had formed in his shirt. He confessed to that a while after the act was performed. I don't think he will mind me sharing because we have had many laughs since. However he is doing much better today now that the tree is gone and I am sure he will tell you his version of the weekend.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Calling Paul Bunyan!

I am guessing that you have seen the picture from yesterdays post. If not, go here. That is my neighbor's tree that fell across his yard and way into mine! Argh.

Let me back up a little. It all started Tuesday. I got home a little early to do some work around the yard. Just after Dede and I mowed the grass, a typical summer shower came along. We were so excited for the rain. But wait! It got worse and worse. Then the hail came and we began to wonder what was really going on. After many minutes of watching the rain fall and wind blow like crazy, we heard a huge crash. I actually thought it was our deck furniture that turned over. Upon inspection, the deck furniture was fine and I saw it. My apple tree broke a branch. Dang!

We watched the storm a little more and then I passed by the window to our back yard and noticed something that I hadn't before. Not only did my apple tree break, there was a huge tree on top of it. That was the big crash we heard.

Well, after it was all said and done, Hot Wife got home, and since we were out of power, Dede took Baby O to her house. Hot wife and I took food over to the T's to keep cold in their fridge. Thanks T's! They offered to keep us up for the night, but Hot Wife and I had an urge to be at our home during this time of uncertainty. So we went. With no power in the house, it got pretty warm, so sleeping in the same room was out of the question. I took the couch and she took the bed, and we listened to the chainsaws and workers all night! Yippy skippy! I am sure you can imagine we didn't get but about an hour of sleep in six ten-minute sessions.

The power company and their tree service guys were crazy. One guy was yelling at the tree all night. "I'm gonna cut you!". In the light of the situation we were in, Hot Wife and I thought that it was pretty funny to hear.

Yesterday, we cut up the debris and took it to the street and today a tree surgeon, our own personal Paul Bunyan, will handle the rest. Overall, we were inconvenienced, but it could have been much worse. The tree could have fallen on more property or even hurt someone.

I'll try to take more pics of the workers today and post a follow up.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby O Loves This One

Last Friday was my 29th birthday. I was so excited to have my mom with me on my B-day for the first time in about ten years. I think she was pretty excited too. Friday and Saturday were nice, but the weekend turned when Baby O got a fever.

We tried self medicating with Motrin and Tylenol but the fever didn't break. Argh! Amy and DeDe took Baby O to Dr. P the best doctor in the world. Baby O was poked and analyzed from all angles. Poor thing. The test showed that she has a UTI.

Needless to say, Baby O has been pretty unhappy today just as she's been the last few days. We're trying everything to help her feel better. Stroller ride. Food. Sleep.

Thanks to technology, I found a video that made her smile. Us too.

Hope you enjoy too.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Crazy Mother I Am Part II

Ok so it is getting worse. Wednesday I went to check the mail with Baby O and we were talking to the neighbors and it was getting hot and Baby O had another stinky pants so it was time to go in. Oh no it was not. Hot wife locked the door and we had not keys. Stud the husband was getting a hair cut so he was unavailable to talk. No spare key outside, it is 90 something, we have stinky pants and no way to change them. Thank the Lord my sweet neighbor was home and I called my sister who works 5 minutes away and she came to let us in. I need to start a new week because I am not doing well with memory power.
Today is Stud the husbands birthday and I went to get his favorite key lime pie from Iz 2 that he loves. There are two locations and I went to the wrong one. I tell you I have lost working parts to my brain. Many tell me this is what happens in motherhood and I do believe it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Crazy Mother I Am

So this is a thank you for my friend Val. I went to this great clothing sale for Baby O on Sunday and being the wonderful mother that I am, I left the diapers and wipes at home. What was I thinking and I use the term "wonder mother" loosely. So I was looking at the precious clothes getting a visual of how cute they would be on O and catch a whiff of that smell. It was horrible and suddenly I was like oh my gosh my child took care of business in a large way and I forgot the diapers. How humiliated was I. Well sweet friend Val came to the rescue with a diaper and wipes and we were able to shop and have a pleasant ride home. Thanks Val not only for the diapers but for helping me to remember not to forget the diapers again. The sad thing is, with my brain, even though this happened it is quiet possible it will happen again.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hep C Checkup

Today was my first check up since starting the treatment almost three weeks ago. Hot Wife wasn't able to make it, but was there in part due to a note card of questions for me to ask on her behalf. Everyone asked about her. I guess she made an impression our last visit. I know it was at least a good impression due to the attitude of their remarks.

Overall, the check up was nice. I was able to recount my experience of the past few weeks and the side effects that were noticed. The doctor seemed very positive. Yea!

I also had the basic blood work drawn and most of that was acceptable. The significant concern that we have right now is dealing with my white blood cell count. At 3.4, the WBC was very low somewhere between half and a third of normal. We are going to have to be extra carefull not to catch any bugs since WBC's help fight infection. Little kids stay away! Just kidding.

I guess I will need to be extra diligent about washing hands

Overall we are extremely postitive. Praise the Lord! Please pray for improvement in my WBC count as it will help many things.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Independence Day Weekend

Our Independence Day weekend started with a trip north to Hot Wife's hometown of Attalla, Alabama. It's been a while since we made the trip there -- I guess we've been pretty busy lately! Uncle Duane and Aunt Donna were kind to let us, and the rest of the family, kick back at their home that has a pool. I don't have any pictures, because the hot July sun caused me to get in the pool like a bug gets into a bug zapper. I just couldn't do it quick enough!

We went to the Gadsden fireworks show.

I wanted to take a family picture in front of fireworks. After a few minutes of homework and setup to get the shot, Baby O sold me out. She's very afraid of the fireworks. So she hid in the car and got in the floorboard as far back as she could.

I took my shot Friday night so as you know already Friday night and Saturday were a little slow. I vegged around the better part of the day. Saturday, we did find time to go to the Gadsden Mall to feed the ducks and geese. Where are these geese when we were waist deep in cold water last winter?

Then we took a quick portrait, but the noonday light was less than tolerable. Argh!

Later that night, Poppy taught Baby O how to string beans. By the way, this is a good skill to learn. I remember growing up where my Mema and Aunt Pearl would string beans for an entire day. I was there to help though I didn't realize at the time how simple skills are so important and grandparents are perfect people to teach them.

Finally, after going to church, we had a little time to take a few more quick pictures. Aunt Willene and Uncle Allan, I know you read this blog so thanks for the cute outfit that Baby O is wearing. She got so many compliments. Especially when she would wear her hat!