Wednesday, December 26, 2007

L's First Christmas

Click the picture above for more pictures.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Santa Pictures

Click the picture below for the rest.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas House

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas Spirit Are You Out There?

Three weeks away from the big day and I'm feeling a little nostalgic about years ago. Not last year or even three years ago, but way back when. You know the days when it was actually frigid in the southeast this time of year. When I was counting down the days till Christmas break - not "holiday break". Everyday that passed was filled with so much excitement because it meant we were closer to the big day. Christmas!

It's kind of funny how things happen though. As my days are filled with meetings, telephone calls, and emails, everything seems as though it were just another day. Back to how funny things are... Now that we have a little baby around the house, I see little snippets of the days of old. Children are so freakin' cool this time of year. Why? Because my ideals of yesteryear are here today in their hearts and minds.

Those of you who know me are saying, "what the heck?" "Your kid is only a baby." "She can't understand Christmas yet."

I agree. Back off! I'm getting the spirit here even if it is faux nostalgia vicariously from a baby.

Thank you all kids out there... You give us so much.

Anyway, while I'm here and might have your attention. Kids or no kids, don't forget that Christmas is about Christ. Otherwise we would be celebrating "mas". And I don't think that sounds as fun as Christmas. If anyone reading doesn't understand. God sent his son, Christ, to die for our sins. Yep! His son! That's a stinkin' big deal! Christ was born Christmas day and lived 33 years without sin. That's crazy too! No sinning! I sin all the time and I'm trying not to. Hey I know you do to - don't kid yourself. So after 33 years, Christ was sentenced to die on a cross. At that time Christ took upon Himself all the sins of those who have faith and will have faith in Him. Something that I have thought about is that he didn't just die. Dieing on the cross seems kind of trivial until you realize that he paid the penalty for all our sins. He FELT every sin that we commit at that time. In my eyes that is where we can consider ourselves as believers blessed that He truly suffered for sins. Believers and unbelievers say, "that is the craziest story I have ever heard". Correct! It is. It is absolutely amazing and I am thankful to have the privilege to believe.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Dad's Little Photography Helper!!!

Thanks for the help kid!

Click on the picture above to link to other recent photographs.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Baby O's In Love

At the weekly strollersize class Wife noticed that Baby O and her friend Ryan were getting a little more comfortable around each other. After class when the mom's were chatting stroller's side by side, Baby O, the aggressive one, reached over to pat and hold Ryan's hand. Then according to Wife when she took her hand away Ryan reached over to hold her hand. Hmm. Well love is in the air around the Duff household.

Oh yeah, we've had to keep our eyes peeled a little more lately. Baby O has been showing off her skills of pulling up on everything. She's had a few falls, but so far none too bad.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Not So Happy Halloween

I suppose if I were a skunk, I'd be pretty unhappy too.

The happy couple??? Princess and Skunk?

What? A Princess with a skunk head?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Halloween

Visit to Great Grandfather

Baby O has been traveling a good bit lately. We went to Georgia last weekend to visit family and go to a friends wedding. On the way over to Georgia, we stopped by to visit Papa. Papa had fallen earlier in the week and hurt his head, but that did not slow him down from his desire to, "hold that baby". In the picture to the left, I like to think they are both sizing each other up.

Back at home, Baby O has been learning new things like sticking her tongue out and making a buzz noise. She has also learned to pull up in her crib. I am glad we moved the mattress down or she'd be jumping out!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latest Pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace

The latest pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace are here. Click below to the website:

***MidOctober Pictures***

So I am not sure that I like "Duffey Portrait Palace". I was thinking of another name for my business, no, hobby. See my good buddy Ron does the photography thing too, and we end up in a lot of the same places at the same time. It doesn't hurt that we like to hang out anyway. So, Ron's wife and I were talking the other day about company names for a photography business -- not that there ever would be one anyway. Here's some of what we came up with:

"Two Flashing Dorks"

"Nerds With Too Much Gear"

"We Flash, You Shutter"

If you get a chance let me know what you think with a comment. Hey, maybe you have another idea.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

One More Thing for Today

Baby O loves football. Apparently she loves UGA football best!

Baby O's Under the Table Again!

In the past few weeks Baby O has been learning to get around. She only goes in reverse and Uncle Bert says, "her transmission needs repair". When she started to be mobile, she would just go a few feet and stop. However, now she's learned to go further and go toward her favorite things -- in reverse.

Lately we've noticed that Baby O likes to be under things. The armoire, a chest, the coffee table and her bouncy seat -- just to name a few. Maybe she thinks it's a fort?

The pictures below tell the story...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ExerSaucer - is that a spaceship or a new fitness machine?

Baby O got an ExerSaucer for her 1/2 birthday. Apparently from her facial expressions, it is a more serious toy than we thought. If you're not familliar with the ExerSaucer concept, it's a stationary replacement for a baby walker. Baby O stands in a harness and is surrounded by toys that move and make noise.

Loosen up kid! I've been trying for years to get your mom to relax.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Nap Time???

When you're not in the mood for a nap... You must escape!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mom's Little Cleaner

Over the last few days, Baby O has increased her desire to be mobile. She's like her Mom. There is just too much to see and do to be still!

We've noticed that Baby O watches us do the things that she wants to do herself. For instance, we saw her staring at us and moving her mouth as we ate dinner a few weeks ago. Now however, she is very interested in moving around.

She doesn't have quite enough coordination to crawl yet, so she will push up on her hands and slide back on her belly. It doesn't help her too much since our whole house is hardwood flooring. She ends up inchworming around the floor on her belly cleaning as she goes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Baby O's First Meal Pictures

Baby O had her first meal of rice cereal. A couple of pictures are posted below, and as always there are links to the right for the complete photo galleries. By the way, we did get a video too. I should have it online soon.

Friday, September 07, 2007

If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, what about the girls?

Baby O, ate for the first time yesterday.

"Rice cereal, yummy!"

I think she liked it. She

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Really That Dependant???

My office email, which is my primary email, has been out for two days now. I really didn't understand how much we depend on email for communication these days. I'm not one of those "check it all the time" kind of guys. I have trained myself to only check email around meal times. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that's it! I have found that only checking email three times a day reduces the distractions of a constant barrage of email. Well, now I understand how it feels to have zero distractions in my office -- not so great. Now I feel like I am missing out on the goings on in the outside world.

I mean, I don't know the outcome of the trip my collage buddies take each year, or my favorite blogs update, not to mention the important stuff from clients and customers.

I'm really stranded here without email or a lifeboat to save me!

So, what's the result of this adventure? We'll call it an adventure just to keep a positive spin on things. I have learned - no relearned - how to use the fax machine. Yep, the good old fax. I told someone today that I was going to fax them a document, and they replied, "I'd prefer you email it".

I said, "I will be glad to email it, but the internet is against my office today, and it won't make it to you."

"You don't have email?"

"Not today..."

It's like I'm that guy who wears black socks and Birkenstock's to the beach, and clearly doesn't know any better. Except in this case, I know what it's like on the other side - with email. I just can't get there!

So here I am. My fingers have must be exercised properly as to not fatigue themselves with the lack of email reply.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Teething Ahhhhh!

We thing Baby O is teething which makes her generally unhappy 99.9% of the time. She's not happy sitting up, sitting down, eating, sleeping, or anything else a baby can do. Yep, "generally unhappy". What do you do -- seriously comments are welcomed? Tylanol helps a little and Baby Oragel just hacks her off even more. We've also tried frozen teething rings, which work as long as we can monitor her and keep them in her mouth.

As I'm writing this, she is somewhat happy and eating one of my belts. Is she crazy? Wait now she's going for one of my "used" socks!

Got it!

Adios... maybe we'll have a better update later.


PS: I know this is random but The Rubberband Man by The Spinners is playing on I-Tunes and all I can think about is Ron and his pics on their blog. Great pics Ron, and by the way love the McLemore Mitigation Bank t-shirt.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Beach Video

Friday, August 24, 2007

Baby Girl's First Beach Trip

As we drive down I-65 toward the gulf, we passed the time by playing "name the band". Sirrus radio makes the game tons of fun because it will show the artist. Even Momma Deb broke out with an awesome correct call from one of the 70's deeper cuts. I can't remember the artist, but everyone in the car was amazed. "Go Momma Deb!" Also, we listened to the Blue Collar Comedy channel. Poppy and I loved the jokes and stories, but the girls didn't find it quite as amusing.

We arrived to our top floor view of the ocean. We were actually greeted by the faint hum of live music from the FloraBama Lounge. Yep, FloraBama was next door! Thanks to great engineering, the developers of the condo complex put a parking garage between the juke joint and our units.

The ocean was beautiful and a nice constant breeze kept us reasonably comfortable while outside.

Poppy and I played golf two days. One at Perdido Bay Golf Club. The course was in great shape because it was played by the Hooter's tour the previous week. Stacy and Bryant joined us for the Perdido course. Then later in the week we played the local municipal/executive course -- a par 64 (short course). I'm sorry, but I aerated one of their tee boxes! Not a good day on the links!!!

The dinners out were pretty good. Wife's favorite was Lambert's. Just kidding. Lambert's is the place made famous by throwing their rolls across the dining room. The experience was great and I'm glad we did it, but the food was average at best. Lots of fried foods.

When we weren't golfing or eating, we were near the water. We all loved the beach and pool. Even Baby Girl! She loved the water. We think she's going to be a good swimmer since she kicks so well in the water.

That's about it for the beach trip. We were able to do what we intended to do -- relax!!! I think we all needed a get-a-way.

Of course we have pictures:


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tomato eat'n squirrel's

Dad sent me this comic. He's familiar with my squirrel trouble, see "Caught Red Handed".

Lately, the squirrels have been at bay. I think it's due to two factors, (1) we've had some rain so the tomatoes are not their daily watering hole, and (2) our neighbor has been using them as target practice with a BB gun. Either way, I am happy to see some fruit on the vine!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wealthy Don't Pay Enough Taxes

Well, the title of this post is a little tongue and cheek. First of all, I am not a wealthy person. I live in a modest home, drive modest/used cars, have a "dining out" budget and go on one vacation per year within driving distance. So, I don't have any bias here against the poor or rich for that matter.

I was prompted from a recent lecture to look at why democrats continue to waive the flag that the wealthy don't pay enough tax or get too many tax breaks. The general sentiment from the dems made me feel really sorry for the poor. One poorer person might make a few bucks then Uncle Sam swoops in to just take it away. No food or shelter tonight folks, pockets empty...

That scenario is simply not true. After searching the internet for such discussion, I discovered that Rush Limbough(spelling), made this argument years ago when the flat tax was a hot issue. However, since then, he has moved on to other topics. So what is the truth you ask? Well, I never thought the IRS was my friend, but in this case, they are very open with the stats of their business - collecting income for the running of our country. Thank you federal government! My discovery was astounding:

In 2004 (the most recent published data), the total tax share - that's who paid what portion of all federal reserve collections for the year 2004, is as follows:

The top 1% AGI Earners -- paid 36.89% of the fed reserves total collections

The top 5% AGI Earners -- paid 57.13% of the fed reserves total collections

The top 10% AGI Earners -- paid 68.19% of the fed reserves total collections

The top 25% AGI Earners -- paid 84.86% of the fed reserves total collections

The top 50% AGI Earners -- paid 96.70% of the fed reserves total collections

That means that 50% of the bottom AGI wage earners pay 3.30% into the pot to service our country. I won't address the idea that the bottom 50% of wage earner likely contributes to our country's expenses with special programs more than the top 50%, but I just don't see how this tax structure encourages success.

Heck, for the matter, for argument, let's look at it from another angle... From the statistics above, the top 5% of wage earners pay over 50% into the pot for government service that serves 100% of us. Hmm...

Taxing the successful just doesn't make since nor is it the American way. I am not for or against the poor or rich. Heck I am a middle class kind of guy here, but I am in favor for success incentives. Capitalism. The opportunity to succeed is what our country's success was built on, not mediocrity.

After reviewing the stats, I am amazed by the facts. Even in the midst, we still are the land of opportunity that I mention above. I just think about how much opportunity is lost due to myopic ideas on taxation instead of progressive. Woah, did I say "progressive". Isn't that the new buzzword for democrats? Aren't they now labeled "progressive" instead of "liberal"? Maybe we need to define the term progressive -- again tongue and cheek.

So, what am I going to do? For starters, I will pay my taxes next year. I mean, we do live in a free and safe country where I have the privilege to make a profit (though it's taxed out the butt), worship my God, and write about my concerns about our society, among many others. I will also pay more attention to what our future leaders stand for concerning the issue of tax.

Any thoughts out there?

Source: (all the way to the bottom)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Culture Clash.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I'm left with only one... Really???

In case you can't read it San Santrio is Japanese and French Cuisine. Just in case you are familiar with the area, it's just down the way from Mr. Wang's.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Theming Class - Please Vote --->

I am taking a class at Samford that is photographic theming. This weeks theme is "simplicity". So, as you can figure, I am supposed to take a picture that portrays simplicity. I appreciate your vote, I am having a hard time deciding between the dog and flower. Vote on the side bar --->

Caught Red Handed

I caught the culprit eating my tomatoes. He better be careful where he steps -- my neighbor discovered that BB guns are legal in Birmingham and popped a couple this morning.

Friday, July 13, 2007

New Pics of Baby Girl

Welcome to Alabama Cindy Sheehan

So, I don't what to get too political here. That is not the purpose of this blog. However, I heard about a news story about Cindy Sheehan's visit to Montgomery. This is classic reporting here. It's kind of like, I'm watching a news report and a Jerry Springer show breaks out.


Now that you've seen the clip, a comment is necessary. Right? Well, Cindy's a nut. Don't get me wrong, the other guy is coming in a little hot, but maybe it's about time. I don't know. I can't stand that men and women are getting hurt and dying in Iraq. But, wake up. That has been happening forever -- it's the costs of freedom. Thank you troops for serving our country! It is your sacrifice that gives me the ability to write this blog and even Ms. Sheehan the right to speak her mind.

As I am left thinking about the news report, I just have one thought. Why do some answer a question with another question? Are they trying to hide something? Do they not have an answer? Get a policy and stand on it. That's what our President did. He may have made mistakes but at least the leader of our country has backbone. I respect that, and so does the rest of the world.

Again, welcome to Alabama Cindy. It might be a little easier in some other places. Good luck!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Alright, really?

The squirrels are taking my harvest. Well the tomatos are going great (see April 9th post) with one exception -- the squirrels eating. Bear with me here, the details are important.

The squirrels pick ripe tomatos. Yep, the wait until the fruit is ripe. Then they take the tomato, to a nice sitting area on the side of our deck as if they were one of the family. They leave an uneaten half of the tomato in my eyesight to remind me of their little discovery!

Since, I have been scouring the web for ideas to humanely make them go away. Or at least quit eating my tomatos. I have tried:

(1) Used coffee grounds. They just like a nice brew early in the morning.

(2) Hot sauce sprayed on the plant leaves. It just makes for a nice salsa instead.

Any ideas are welcomed... Leave a comment.

Next try is a plastic snake or a chicken wire that completely covers our back yard. Yep! All four courners and even the top. Wife might veto. Hmm.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July Pictures

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Rainy Day News

Yeah! Rain has been coming down for two days. The good kind of rain that falls slowly and soaks deep.

Not the "little stinging rain" [Forest Gump]
Not the "big ol' fat rain" [Forest Gump]
Not the "rain that comes in sideways" [Forest Gump]

Just good old summer slow rain. Thank the Lord!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Roll Over Beethoven

So lately many new things have been going on in the Duffey house. For example, Baby Girl and I went to the zoo a few weeks back when mom worked a weekend. We saw a cow, guinea fowl, and a goat. Sound like we went to the west Jefferson County 4-H fair? Nope. Just the Birmingham Zoo. Apparently there are many other "zoo-like" animals elsewhere, but we only made it to the Tribute to Alabama Animals area.

The zoo is a great place to take a child. It's a great place to learn about far away places and the animals that reside there. But, a newborn just thinks it's just another walk in the stroller.

Also, we have been very focused on the baby's development. We reference the baby's desk reference everytime she smiles, blinks, kicks, breathes, droules, sleeps... You get the idea.

Well again according to someone, it is time for the baby to roll over. Like a dog?

Baby Girl rolled over the other night... Well, since we can't touch her to help. That would negate any true roll over. We pushed down on the sofa in assistance creating a nice little trough - Grand Canyon - for her to roll into. Hmm. Does that count?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Water Restrictions

Please rain. Hurry! Please...

I wish it would rain -- I'm starting to believe in global warming. Just kidding. In the Big-Ham, we are in a severe drought even though it rained yesterday. For the last few weeks, I have been reusing bath water for plants. I even spit on one of my hydrangeas for five minutes yesterday. My cheeks are kind of tired now.

Anyway, the hydrangea was thankful for the H2O, but as soon as I turned around called a civil rights attorney becuase it was offended. Hmm...

It's so dry in my back yard, I saw a iguana yesterday -- maybe a squirel, but who's counting.

Thanks for reading my drought thoughts.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Less Time Than I Thought

Well, well, well. It's been a while since the last blog. Life with an eleven-week-old is requires tons of time. Thanks to Wife, who does most of the child rearing! Baby Girl is doing well, and this week Grandmother Issa came from Florida to visit. We have all had a great time visiting, and G.I. was amazed about how much B.G. had grown in such a short time.

We'll try to do better keeping the blog updated at reasonable periods. Thanks.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

One-eyed Devil

"Turn away from the light"

"Focus, Baby Girl"

Baby Girl has found the television set. As a matter of fact, she just can't peal her eyes away. We discovered this when feeding the other day. She kept looking away from me toward the TV. It was actually kind of funny when she had the bottle tip in the corner of her mouth so that she could eat and watch the shows at the same time. Hmm...

I was hoping that it would be longer before her innocence was compromised by our current culture. Oh well, I suppose we'd have to face it some time.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Tomatoes: The Preparation

First of all, is it tomato or tomatoe? Tomato looks correct in the singular form, but tomatoes looks better in the plural. Hmm. Look at it! Seriously...

So far, not so good. I started by getting some tomato plants at Home Depot about two weeks ago. I prepped the ground around our deck with soil, manure (umm!), fertilizer, et. al., and sowed the plants. Much to my dismay, we had a historical cold spell that killed all the plants and almost got our hydrangeas as well.

Since the disaster, I've learned much more about tomatoes. Actually, I'm pretty excited that I get another chance to give gardening a shot.

Thanks to my neighbor, who introduced me to that sells heirloom varieties of tomatoes. Some of them are absolutely amazing. I never realized that tomatoes come in so many sizes and shapes.

Okay, so now I have cleaned out the holes with the dead plants and prepped them for the new plants. I am not sure if I am going to order from Tastful Garden's website or wait until they come to the Pepper Place market in Birmingham. Hmm. I'll keep the blog posted with the results.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Safety Razor Update II

Why would anyone be interested in shaving? Well, I tell you if you ever had a great shave (guys), you might understand. I have discovered that Feather razors are much better than Merkur brand. The Feather blades even shaved against the grain with no discomfort. Wow!

Also, I am a huge fan of Taylor of Old Bond Street shaving creams. I mean, other than my all time favorite Proraso shaving cream, I think Taylor of Old Bond Street is my second fav. Well kids that's it. Elton John is on TV and I don't want to continue this post.

Week Two

Well Mom and Dad (Wife and Husband) made it through our first two weeks with Baby Girl. We really count our blessings that Baby Girl only wakes up twice at night. However, even still early morning wake up calls are new so we're adjusting.

We are so proud of Baby Girls first accomplishment. She dropped her pacifier while sitting the the papasan chair and was able to find it with her lips, maneuver the paci, and suck it back in. We were amazed and cheered. I think she knew we were entertained because she did it again three more times. And... We cheered again and again. Hmm.

"Are You Not Entertained!" Russell Crow voice

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baby Girl's First Week

Wow! Tomorrow Baby Girl will be a week old. We have learned a lot this week; how to (1) eat, (2) sleep, (3) poop. Those are all things that will benifit her greatly in the future. She has also been so funny with facial expressions and constant stretching of arms and legs. She is my "squirmy wormy".

Sometimes she looks at us like, "what tha", "who tha", "when tha". Then about the time she gives the look, she goes back to sleep.

Ahh, the live of a one-week-old.

Friday, March 23, 2007

She's Here!

Baby Girl
Arrived at: 2:33pm CST
8 lbs, 2 oz
20 in.

Labor Part Uno

2:15am water breaks
3:30 arrive at hospital
6:00am see doctor for the first time

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Baby Girl Update

Three weeks have passed since we first thought Baby Girl might be with us early. Maybe that is just the typical first-time parents naivety combined with wishfull thinking.

So anyway... These days Wife is about as comfortable as a camel ride ten-day camel ride through the desert. Pillows have been her best friend for support (back support), and some how the sofa sleeps better than the bed. Hmm...

Lately, Baby Girl has been awsome in utero. She really pushes her feet and knees around a lot. She has even shown some attitude when we press on her knees. It looks like we have a sassy little girl on our hands.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Whoa Daddy!

Que the Pointer Sisters background...

"I'm so excited"

"I just can't hide it"

"oh, oh, oh, oh"

We went to the Baby Girl and Wife's doctor, and the report is that everything is on track with mom and daughter. I've been to most of the doctor appointments, but for some reason this one left me about to burst with excitement.

Maybe it's because guys tend to be more visual than the ladies, but for the first time I felt very focused excitment about the coming birth. I can't wait to see her and touch her. I can't wait to play dress up with Baby Girl and Wife -- "did I say that out loud?" Hmm... Well I suppose I am just a typical smitten Dad.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know.

"Welp see ya later"

-- Dad

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

That's so funny, I wish you were here.

Lately, I've been fighting a head cold like a ninja. Thanks to Wife's good medical advise, I have taken a daily concoction of Sudafed and Mucinex, then a nightly dose of Nyquil.

Call me a weanie or whatever, but my opinion is that Nyquil should be banned in 48 states on account of its buzz. Wow its great stuff!

Last night I was having some really good sleep. I'm talking about the kind of sleep that you get when a tornado could rip off your roof and you'd still keep on dreamin' like the Beach Boys.

Well, in the middle of the night, Amy hit me and said, "Husband, are you okay? What are you doing?"

I sleepily responded, "I'm just laughing". Then went back to sleep.

There's now way she could understand... The dream was hallirious -- at least to me. So, your probably wondering what dream could be so funny it would cause one to laugh out loud even in deep sleep. Well, I was at one of those rodeos for little kids. You know, the ones where a five year old chases a sheep with a rope and lasso. You know what I'm talking about. Right? Funny, huh? If that's not enough, there was an adult there and one big bull in the ring along with all the kids. Then the man lasso-ed the bull and once he got the bull on its back, he grabbed both of his hands in a fist and came down on the bull like a move from Mortal Kombat II. That's wacky stuff.

You can't get that naturally, you gotta have the Nyquil for those dreams.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

"Safety" Razor Update

Alrighty, so it's been about a week since I bought the safety razor. Remember the word "safety" is a loose term when it comes to scraping off the top layer of your epidermis with a blade. Hmm.

Anyway, the shaving has become much better! Actually, the last few shaves have been the best ever. That's right the best ever while using old techonlogy. Who would have figured?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Olivia's Crib with Finishes

(click the pictures to enlarge)
Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Close, but not that close!

Lately the idea of shaving like men before me did has consumed my life. After reading an article by Corey Greenburg, the Today Show consumer reporter, about a new trend of men using double edge safety razors to shave Corey promotes the use of a double edge (DE) safety razor as well as some other "old school" products. Well, being the trendy man I am, I had to get on board. I ordered, a heavy steal DE safety razor, a new shave brush, new shave cream, and plenty of replacement blades. As my anticipation grew, while the package was being shipped, I thought about a close, fresh shave. One like my granddad had in a barber shop.

The package came yesterday afternoon, and as soon as I got home I took the new diggs for a spin. Lathered up and ready to cut those pesky hairs, I went to work. Carefully gliding the blade along my face with the short, light strokes as instructed in about a billion web blogs dedicated to the subject.

I cleaned up a few nicks and felt like I had the closest shave ever. But let me be the first to tell you, it was REALLY close. So close, I got a nice case of razor burn!

Oh well, I suppose that's the learning curve, I'll give it a shot again tonight.

Monday, January 15, 2007

If it doesn't fit, you can't just quit

The crib arrived!

Months ago, Amy selected a wonderful crib. It was selected for the turned posts that match the diaper changing table. Hmm... Anyway, it's also important to know that the floor unit was the only one of this style remaining in the store, so off it goes loaded into Momma Deb and Bob's truck. That's right the whole crib!

Last week, Momma Deb and Bob come up for Amy's birthday and brought the crib in Tetnus, the 1970-something Chevorlet Sierra truck that has been through two engines. I feared all along that the crib wouldn't fit through our 1952 door frames to the nursery. Well... My theory was proven true.

The result is worse than most crib assembling stories that I have heard. By the way, EVERY single man I have talked to about the crib have their own story. Not only did I have to put the crib together without instructions, but I had to take it apart, then put it back together. Go figure!

Well, that's not the end of our comedy. Once we got the crib placed in the room, we have officially determined that our expected floorplan for the room was not going to work. In addition to the crib, we have a changing table, bookcase, and expect to include a glider-rocker and dresser. As mentioned, we learned a lot once the placed the crib in the room, and it was that the dresser will not fit.

Oh well, I guess it's good news that baby clothes don't hang too far down on a closet rod. We'll just put some storage in the closet.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"I'm like almost thrity" Happy Birthday Amy

Happy Birthday Amy!

"I'm like almost thrity"

"it's not fair to have to get a shot on your birtyday"

"eleven months until I am thirty"

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I Feel Like a Cowboy

Okay... So I really haven't exercised very much over the Christmas holidays. Maybe a afternoon walk here and there but noting serious. Not a good plan for loosing my 20 extra pounds.

Friday - two days ago. I went to my first spin class after a two week break. I knew it might be tough to get started, and that I might be a little sore. But what I didn't know is that I signed up for RPMplus - a new class for advanced cyclers that adds more hills and 15 minutes more time. Well, I made it through the class. Yeah! But I've been paying for it for the last two days feeling like a cowboy on the pony express.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

No pictures yet for January... We are just getting back in the swing of things after the whirlwind Christmas season!

I must share that am still pumped about the car tape connector for my I-pod. I forgot how much great music that I have -- thanks Mom for the great music influences while growning up! Now that Rick & Bubba aren't replaying their show in the afternoon, and now that the University of Alabama has a football coach, Paul Feinbaum's show isn't quite as interesting, Otis Redding, Jackson Browne, and John Mayer have taken top rank for the PM commute home.