Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Halloween

Visit to Great Grandfather

Baby O has been traveling a good bit lately. We went to Georgia last weekend to visit family and go to a friends wedding. On the way over to Georgia, we stopped by to visit Papa. Papa had fallen earlier in the week and hurt his head, but that did not slow him down from his desire to, "hold that baby". In the picture to the left, I like to think they are both sizing each other up.

Back at home, Baby O has been learning new things like sticking her tongue out and making a buzz noise. She has also learned to pull up in her crib. I am glad we moved the mattress down or she'd be jumping out!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latest Pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace

The latest pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace are here. Click below to the website:

***MidOctober Pictures***

So I am not sure that I like "Duffey Portrait Palace". I was thinking of another name for my business, no, hobby. See my good buddy Ron does the photography thing too, and we end up in a lot of the same places at the same time. It doesn't hurt that we like to hang out anyway. So, Ron's wife and I were talking the other day about company names for a photography business -- not that there ever would be one anyway. Here's some of what we came up with:

"Two Flashing Dorks"

"Nerds With Too Much Gear"

"We Flash, You Shutter"

If you get a chance let me know what you think with a comment. Hey, maybe you have another idea.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

One More Thing for Today

Baby O loves football. Apparently she loves UGA football best!

Baby O's Under the Table Again!

In the past few weeks Baby O has been learning to get around. She only goes in reverse and Uncle Bert says, "her transmission needs repair". When she started to be mobile, she would just go a few feet and stop. However, now she's learned to go further and go toward her favorite things -- in reverse.

Lately we've noticed that Baby O likes to be under things. The armoire, a chest, the coffee table and her bouncy seat -- just to name a few. Maybe she thinks it's a fort?

The pictures below tell the story...

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
