Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latest Pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace

The latest pictures from Duffey Portrait Palace are here. Click below to the website:

***MidOctober Pictures***

So I am not sure that I like "Duffey Portrait Palace". I was thinking of another name for my business, no, hobby. See my good buddy Ron does the photography thing too, and we end up in a lot of the same places at the same time. It doesn't hurt that we like to hang out anyway. So, Ron's wife and I were talking the other day about company names for a photography business -- not that there ever would be one anyway. Here's some of what we came up with:

"Two Flashing Dorks"

"Nerds With Too Much Gear"

"We Flash, You Shutter"

If you get a chance let me know what you think with a comment. Hey, maybe you have another idea.


Anonymous said...

Your wife is present and I think we flash you shutter is prefect for the 2 pic geeks. Hey wait that is a name 2 Pic Geeks.

Anonymous said...

Sam and Amy, I have been looking at all the adorable pictures of Olivia, she is beautiful! You have so many awesome pictures. I also loved the ones at the beach. The recent one from October, the black and white, close-up photo is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Sam and Amy,
Wow! Melissa just shared with me your blog after I said I wanted her to send me a picture of Olivia. Baby O is not only beautiful, but a charmer as well. What a cutie with personality plus! I have loved each picture. It is so great to see you three so happy. Thanks for sharing this with everyone. By the way, I am an amateur photographer and I am very impressed with your images. The lighting and compostition are nice especially the cloe-ups of Olivia. What a pretty subject!
Love to each of you,

Sam Duffey said...

Thanks for the comments!

Penny, I'll talk photography anytime. Maybe we can swap tips!