Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Handfull of What?

Today, Hot Wife took Baby O to the doctor for a check up. While there, Dr. P, the best pediatrician ever, agreed with Hot Wife's comment that, "she's [baby O] a handfull". I know she didn't mean it in any kind of bad way. However, we needed a little reality check and Baby O is getting a little tempermental.

Okay, so give me a break, first child, first grandchild for all grandparents... Of course she'll be a little spoiled, we accept that. But, I think we're facing the reality of parenting where we have to enforce some dicipline.

I am trying to remember what I learned from a cabin (8) of ten-year old boys at Falling Creek Camp when I was a couselor. By the way, a great experience if you ever get the chance. I do remember my first year. I was a college student that was expected to care for young boys for a four or five-week term. Wow the parents really didn't know where they were sending their boys!!! Anyway, back to the first year. My group of boys arrived for the five-week session. My goal was to be accepted by them so I was the easy-going leader who let them bend the rules. I was thinking that they would love me because I let them have a fun time. We that didn't work! A week into the five-week session and our cabin was falling apart.

Redemption time... The second week, I did a full-180 and was a tough guy. If you don't obey the rules there will be consequences and dire ones at that. Well, nobody likes a jerk. Not even a ten-year old.

Hmm. I scratched my head... I was finally inspired. The problem about week one and week two, is that my attitude toward the kid was all about me. From the third week on, I was inspired to show the kids that I genuinely cared for them and assumed the role of leader. And by leader, I mean servant leader -- yeah I know it's a little Biblical.

Anyway, what I learned is that there is a reasonable balance between strict and "fun". However, above all, kids have a sense no matter their age, and can tell if you truly care for them or not. And no matter how you dicipline them or "guide" their paths, they know if you desire their best interest or yours.

So, if you've made it this far, you might think I have my act together. Well, I don't! So, what do you do with one-year olds? Spank? I tried that the other day, but wimped out and it was more of a nice tap on the leg. Argh! How about time-out? There's got to be other ideas out there. I mean I got really creative at the camp, but I'm drawing a blank now almost ten years later.

Please comment your ideas. I look forward to hearing from you all!


MaryMartha said...

Would you like my long list of books I'm reading..? HA!
Well, I'm a mean mama and yes we use the spankin spoon out! You'll be amazed at its power :) Sometimes I just have to show it to her...after we established what it was for!
We should all go to a parenting course, vacation and parenting course for the weekend. That would be fun and goodness knows I need it :) I'll start to look around!

Val said...

Amen to that MM! Our "Mad/Sad Sam" spanking spoon (sorry for the name) has taken on a true life for himself. He has a sad face on one side for when Hill does things that may make Sam sad (i.e. kicking the cat or pulling flowers out of the ground) and on the other side of the spoon is our mad face for when it's mad time. Hill says that "mad sam" bites him (spanks). But like MM, 3/4 of the time I just show it to him and he straigtens up. If he gets out of his bed, I put Mad Sam on the chest of drawers to watch him and it TOTALLY freaks Hill out.

Val said...
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Sam Duffey said...

Thanks for the help!!! I suppose we have to find a spoon.

Amy said...

MM and Val thanks so much for the comments. I love the idea of a parenting class. That would be fun. And Val, love the Sam spoon. You girls are very creative and I think we are borrowing the idea of the spoon.

MaryMartha said...

you can get a big set of wooden spoons at Walmart. We got a sack with like 10 different sizes of wooden spoons. 1 is the perfect size to fit our backpack...he goes to school with us..just incase we need him :)

Sam Duffey said...

Baby O is loving "Family Guy". If you know what the show's like, you'll understand.

Renee said...

What a sweet post. You are such a sweet Dad! We are definitely not veterans at this parenting gig, but I will say for sure that once freedom is given, it is very difficult to retrieve. I have learned this the hard way in certain areas with all three kids. We do spank as a last resort. There's just no way around it if you want obedience and a child is too young to reason. Again, I would set high standards for boundaries now so that you won't have to fight for them later. We are in the throws of toddlerhood as well. It's so challenging (and rewarding).