Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hair Extensions!

It couldn't have happened to anyone better... Uncle Bert (Bryant) and Aunt Stacy joined Hot Wife, Baby O, and me for the UAB Liver Center's First Annual Liver Walk. After registering and getting our t-shirts, we grabbed a little breakfast and let the rest of the crowd gather. Janice Rodgers, a local TV news anchor, opened up with comments and set us off for the walk. The walk wasn't much - just from one end of the Galleria Mall and back. We actually took two laps just for good measure.

We finished the grueling walk and proceeded to the carousel where Baby O, Uncle Bert, and Aunt Stacy took a spin. I've got pictures -- who'd a guessed? Next in the agenda - door prizes. Four people won Bear Bryant prints - glad I wasn't chosen! A few other baskets were won, and then Hot Wife won a $25 gift certificate to Ruby Tuesday's. If you know her, you understand how excited she was! After a few more prizes were won, they announced a $100 gift certificate for partial hair extensions. Yep, you guessed it Bryant Moore, Uncle Bert, won it. They couldn't have drawn a better person! Congratulations Bert! I hope you enjoy your hair extensions. Just to make it worse, I later won a $50 gift certificate to Shula's Steakhouse. Woo hoo!

A special thanks is due to the doctors, nurses, and staff at the UAB Liver Center for hosting the Liver Walk. They are super caregivers and excellent support for all of their patients.

1 comment:

MaryMartha said...

Whoa! Ya'll racked up on prizes!
Can't wait to see how Uncle Bert uses his hair extensions! HA
So impressed O liked the carousel...AH has only successfully made it through 1 ride without them having to stop we could get off :)