Friday, October 31, 2008

Upon Review of My Facebook Updates...

Congratulations Ron! Who is she?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vote for the Maverick!

I appreciate everyone's opinion and their right to vote. So, even if you're a democrat, I urge you to get out and exercise your rights. Vote Wednesday November 5th.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

O's latest "pat pat" from school.

Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lessons from Iraq: Voting Fraud

Okay we've all heard about it lately... Voter fraud. The upcoming US presidential election is as heated as ever and therefore some folks are looking for an unfair edge. The premiere story in the news today is dealing with ACORN, a voter advocacy group. Oops, a liberal advocacy group. Did I say that? Well, they have registered Mickey Mouse and a dead goldfish. Hmmm...

My solution is simple. Take a lesson from our Iraqi friends who had their first democratic election two years ago. No high tech surveillance or studies. No profiling or duplicate documents. Just a purple finger.

Maybe we should all don a purple ink dyed finger tip proudly. You can't cover it up. It doesn't wash off until for a day or so. What does that mean? One person can vote only one time. No voter fraud!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're at the Zoo!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Baby O Portraits

Can't believe she's 18 months old? We can't either.

Click the picture above to link to more of our most recent baby portraits.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Baby O is crazy. That's it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch

Hayride. Smelly restroom. Ears of corn. Yep, that's what you miss if you don't make it to The Great Pumpkin Patch. Oh yeah, for a few extra clams, you can even take a helicopter ride.

Click the picture above for more photographs at Smug Mug.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Top Nine Reasons for Time Out (or spanking)

1. Squealing.
2. Biting.
3. Throwing dinner.
4. Throwing milk.
5. Spitting milk.
6. Saying "no" one too many times.
7. Stomping when things don't go your way.
8. Because I've had a bad day.
9. Because you earned it the last time and I didn't do anything about it.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Adventures with the Neti

Nope, I didn't mistake the title for "adventures with the Yetti". If you haven't met a Neti Pot, you should. It's not pretty, but you should anyway!

If you're not familiar, the Neti Pot or Neti Rinse (I use this one), is a saline based solution that washes out your nose, I mean sinus'. Take it from me, the first time is not that pretty, once you put the thing up to your nose and squirt the solution up there. Yep, up there. Then it comes out the other nostril with all the gunk stuck up in 'er.

I personally felt like I was drowning, but once it was over, could breathe like a champ.

The Neti Pot is quite popular these days, do any of you have any tips or stories?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Dear Worker

Dear wage earner, no matter your political allegiance, you need to know the impact of this election. The chart herein shows a comparison between the current tax code and Obama's proposal. Depending upon your income level, it may or may not impact you all that much, but watch out if you earn around $45k. You might be paying 40% in taxes. Can you live on $27k net?

As always statistics can be deceiving. The source article is linked here, so take a look and form your own opinion.