Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Want These Guys to Visit Briarwood Pres


MaryMartha said...

okay that was SO FUNNY..I was about to wet my pants. I think my favorite was watching granny sing.."try to catch me riding dirty" HA!

MaryMartha said...

HAHHHaaa! They're taking off their robes! This is awesome! I would call you because I'm laughing so hard..but I lost your cell number!
have a good rest of the day!

Sam Duffey said...

I know... I've watched it three times today. I'm sure it will get old some day, but it's not today.

Renee said...

Andy and I are on the floor. The gray haired lady in the middle looks like Granny back in the day.

Amy said...

Oh she does look like Granny. That was a great laugh.

Sam Duffey said...

Dude, I am seriously booking them today. Neighborhood concert? Anyone in?