Friday, May 15, 2009

They're Here... Finally

After weeks, no months, of waiting for a convenient yet dry day to take Toddler O's two-year portraits, we finally made it to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens to take a few snaps. I ended up with about 15 selects and boy am I pleased with the results!


Have you ever tasted a great strawberry? One that is fresh off the vine. No. Really just off the vine. Toddler O, Hot Wife, Poppy, and Dede went to the strawberry patch to pick berries. The rules are you can eat all you can while picking. Toddler O ate about 20!


Julie said...

My heart is melting! Those pictures are amazing. Sam you are so good!!!

Sam Duffey said...

Thanks a ton for the compliment. Tell your friends.

Anonymous said...

Great job Sam! Love them. I am loving the curls in her hair and the bow. Precious! Lauren

April said...

Wow, she has grown up so much since I last saw her! She's so cute! She seems to be a total character and fun to be around. Great pics!

K said...

That is so cute!! Where is the strawberry patch?
Kari Holley

Sam Duffey said...

The strawberry patch is somewhere near Gadsden.