Sunday, August 30, 2009


Everyday there is something new that comes out of Toddler O's mouth and mind I should say as well. Several weeks ago we were having dinner with a group of friends. On the way home she kept talking about how she liked "little people" but not "big people". We figured out she was talking about children and adults. Since then she will say her prayers at night and thank God for Mommy, not Daddy, De De, not Poppy, Tacy, not Burt Burt, and so on and so forth. Well tonight she thanked God for little people not big people and "all my friends". After she was finished I asker Toddler O if someone had ever told her big people were bad. She said yes, and she named the culprits. Now I know she is only 2 but she does remember a lot and we have not been talking about these children in a while. So I then try to explain to her that big people are good, well most are. That is a hard task to explain to a 2 year old. It just amazes me at the influence othr children and adults already play in a person at such a young age.

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