Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Back!!!

So after seven months of a sabbatical from blogging, I have made it back to hone my writing/historian skills.

For those few of you who have reminded me many times that I haven't been updating the blog, I truly have a good excuse. I have started a new career - career not job - and have been quite busy developing a new sales force. Is that an excuse, probably not, but I have been very tied up in tactical daily tasks.

So Sam catch me up you ask... Well Toddler O keeps growing and at age three, Christmas is especially fun this year. Fun (and not so fun) traits from both her mother and father are developing each day. For example she loves to have a good time like me and is a great caregiver like Amy. As well, she also can be pitch-a-fit like me and tends to be a little OCD like her mom. Oh well... Sperm meet egg.

I really don't have any great content today and I just wanted to warm up the blog from months of pause. And though I doubt I'll be able to post an update more than once a week, I'd like to have weekly increments of content to share with all you faithful readers.

Thank you for coming back to visit!!!


Julie said...

Well it's about time! You next post better contain lots of pictures!

MaryMartha said...

HAHAHHAAH! Sperm meets egg...that made me smile :)
Glad your back buddy! Can't wait to keep updated!