Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Olivia's Crib with Finishes

(click the pictures to enlarge)
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Close, but not that close!

Lately the idea of shaving like men before me did has consumed my life. After reading an article by Corey Greenburg, the Today Show consumer reporter, about a new trend of men using double edge safety razors to shave Corey promotes the use of a double edge (DE) safety razor as well as some other "old school" products. Well, being the trendy man I am, I had to get on board. I ordered, a heavy steal DE safety razor, a new shave brush, new shave cream, and plenty of replacement blades. As my anticipation grew, while the package was being shipped, I thought about a close, fresh shave. One like my granddad had in a barber shop.

The package came yesterday afternoon, and as soon as I got home I took the new diggs for a spin. Lathered up and ready to cut those pesky hairs, I went to work. Carefully gliding the blade along my face with the short, light strokes as instructed in about a billion web blogs dedicated to the subject.

I cleaned up a few nicks and felt like I had the closest shave ever. But let me be the first to tell you, it was REALLY close. So close, I got a nice case of razor burn!

Oh well, I suppose that's the learning curve, I'll give it a shot again tonight.

Monday, January 15, 2007

If it doesn't fit, you can't just quit

The crib arrived!

Months ago, Amy selected a wonderful crib. It was selected for the turned posts that match the diaper changing table. Hmm... Anyway, it's also important to know that the floor unit was the only one of this style remaining in the store, so off it goes loaded into Momma Deb and Bob's truck. That's right the whole crib!

Last week, Momma Deb and Bob come up for Amy's birthday and brought the crib in Tetnus, the 1970-something Chevorlet Sierra truck that has been through two engines. I feared all along that the crib wouldn't fit through our 1952 door frames to the nursery. Well... My theory was proven true.

The result is worse than most crib assembling stories that I have heard. By the way, EVERY single man I have talked to about the crib have their own story. Not only did I have to put the crib together without instructions, but I had to take it apart, then put it back together. Go figure!

Well, that's not the end of our comedy. Once we got the crib placed in the room, we have officially determined that our expected floorplan for the room was not going to work. In addition to the crib, we have a changing table, bookcase, and expect to include a glider-rocker and dresser. As mentioned, we learned a lot once the placed the crib in the room, and it was that the dresser will not fit.

Oh well, I guess it's good news that baby clothes don't hang too far down on a closet rod. We'll just put some storage in the closet.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"I'm like almost thrity" Happy Birthday Amy

Happy Birthday Amy!

"I'm like almost thrity"

"it's not fair to have to get a shot on your birtyday"

"eleven months until I am thirty"

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I Feel Like a Cowboy

Okay... So I really haven't exercised very much over the Christmas holidays. Maybe a afternoon walk here and there but noting serious. Not a good plan for loosing my 20 extra pounds.

Friday - two days ago. I went to my first spin class after a two week break. I knew it might be tough to get started, and that I might be a little sore. But what I didn't know is that I signed up for RPMplus - a new class for advanced cyclers that adds more hills and 15 minutes more time. Well, I made it through the class. Yeah! But I've been paying for it for the last two days feeling like a cowboy on the pony express.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

No pictures yet for January... We are just getting back in the swing of things after the whirlwind Christmas season!

I must share that am still pumped about the car tape connector for my I-pod. I forgot how much great music that I have -- thanks Mom for the great music influences while growning up! Now that Rick & Bubba aren't replaying their show in the afternoon, and now that the University of Alabama has a football coach, Paul Feinbaum's show isn't quite as interesting, Otis Redding, Jackson Browne, and John Mayer have taken top rank for the PM commute home.