Friday, July 13, 2007

Welcome to Alabama Cindy Sheehan

So, I don't what to get too political here. That is not the purpose of this blog. However, I heard about a news story about Cindy Sheehan's visit to Montgomery. This is classic reporting here. It's kind of like, I'm watching a news report and a Jerry Springer show breaks out.


Now that you've seen the clip, a comment is necessary. Right? Well, Cindy's a nut. Don't get me wrong, the other guy is coming in a little hot, but maybe it's about time. I don't know. I can't stand that men and women are getting hurt and dying in Iraq. But, wake up. That has been happening forever -- it's the costs of freedom. Thank you troops for serving our country! It is your sacrifice that gives me the ability to write this blog and even Ms. Sheehan the right to speak her mind.

As I am left thinking about the news report, I just have one thought. Why do some answer a question with another question? Are they trying to hide something? Do they not have an answer? Get a policy and stand on it. That's what our President did. He may have made mistakes but at least the leader of our country has backbone. I respect that, and so does the rest of the world.

Again, welcome to Alabama Cindy. It might be a little easier in some other places. Good luck!

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