Saturday, April 05, 2008

Weekend Post II

What two post in two days! It's the weekend folks, I guess I got time on my hands. Actually, it's been a pretty busy weekend I suppose. As you know, we went out to LaPaz last night and today we went to the Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Plant Sale. Lots of fun plants for the yard, but we couldn't put out all of them because it was a pretty rainy day. I was a little inspired though while getting the plants set out. The weather reminded me of Kennebunkport, Maine in October. Nice...

We've done some other things as well...


Taking bottles out of drawers.

Putting bottles on the floor.

Doing laundry.


Most important, we've - and by "we" I mean Baby O -- learned to love ourselves. The Bible says to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Well, Baby O is pretty high on herself so expect great things from her in the future. Humanitarian? Missions? I can't wait to see. Just in case you can't tell, she's kissing the reflection of herself on the stove.


Anonymous said...

Drinking and blogging again? Or is this just a report from the morning after? haha

L is about the cutest sweetest thing around! Love all the pics :)

Sam Duffey said...

Just keeping it real... Trying not to watch the Hannah Montana movie on T.V. Amy, really are you watching that?