Friday, June 20, 2008

The Juice

Alright, so today is my first day for "the juice". Hot Wife and I went to UAB and to get instructions about how to administer the interferon. The nurse went over the process with us of how to work the "shot". It is kind of like a really high-tech epi-pen. Boy I remember the epi-pen. We had some at camp when we took the young boys on a multi-day hike just in case someone had a reaction to a bite or something. Even though I never had to use one or saw one being used, we all secretely wanted to "pop" one of those puppies in for fun.

I am so thankful for Hot Wife being a nurse, but bless her heart, she was shaking like a leaf when giving me my first shot. I guess it's a lot different when it's one of your own your caring for. She did very well and didn't even miss a step of the process. The shot stung only very little which is probably normal for any instrument that breaks the sub-q tissue. Yeah baby! I learned the "sub-q" terminology today. There was even a little mark from the shot that was in the shape of a "V". I think it stands for VICTORY! I tried to take a picture, but it turned out fuzzy.

We've officialy started the treatment for the next year. We don't know what is ahead, but at least we're not waiting anymore.

1 comment:

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

Sam, I'm praying for you and Amy! Please tell her to call me....we need to catch up!