Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby O Loves This One

Last Friday was my 29th birthday. I was so excited to have my mom with me on my B-day for the first time in about ten years. I think she was pretty excited too. Friday and Saturday were nice, but the weekend turned when Baby O got a fever.

We tried self medicating with Motrin and Tylenol but the fever didn't break. Argh! Amy and DeDe took Baby O to Dr. P the best doctor in the world. Baby O was poked and analyzed from all angles. Poor thing. The test showed that she has a UTI.

Needless to say, Baby O has been pretty unhappy today just as she's been the last few days. We're trying everything to help her feel better. Stroller ride. Food. Sleep.

Thanks to technology, I found a video that made her smile. Us too.

Hope you enjoy too.

1 comment:

Anna said...

HILARIOUS! addie was so fussy last night because she had her 4 month shots yesterday...and this video calmed her down! (and me!)