Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I 'Tuck Mommy

Ok friends and family of the blogworld, I must share with you an experience that occurred this morning around 4 AM. Yes, we shouldl all be asleep but not in our house. You read the post that was written a few entries ago about the "big girl bed". Well O did super the first 2 weeks but now she is waking up many times a night. I really feel like I did when she was 8 weeks old, it is that bad. Well Stud the husband and I have been trying to brainstorm on how we can nip this in the bud. We started our process a few nights ago and I think it might be helping. Well last night was just a funny adventure. At 4 AM I hear this "pappy ( which is the paci) ere r u" several times so I go check out the situation. I walk into O's room and she is nowhere to be found. I say O where are you then I look down with sleepy eyes and I see half a person hanging out from under the big girl bed and this sweet little voice say "I 'tuck mommy". The poor thing was looking for her paci under her bed and yes she got stuck. She did not cry, but she was becoming a bit agitated as I tried to save her from her great location on the hardwood with toddler bed on the head. She was quite stuck because I could not pull her out, instead I had to lift the bed up and we had to work a little to get her out but we managed and she went back to sleep with no problem. I just had to share this story because not many things make you smile that early in the morning but hearing those sweet soft words "I 'tuck mommy" were just too comical for me not to share with you.

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