Saturday, June 13, 2009

Size matters

It's warmed up and the rain has slowed and the garden is beginning to prosper. The beans and peas are starting to bloom while the corn has recently tasseled. The second planting of okra is germinating - a point that was never reached by the first planting - and the tomatoes are starting to produce green fruit. Then there is the squash and zucchini. We get new squash every day and the zucchini... Oh the zucchini... Well, hmmm, lets just say that it has grown to embarrassing proportions.


RT said...


MaryMartha said...

HAAAA HAAAAA :) Thats awesome! you crack me up...

Julie said...

FYI...I love squash and zucchini!

Julie said...

FYI....I love squash and zucchini!

Sam Duffey said...

I'll bring you some.