Sunday, May 15, 2011

May, 2011

I'm sure you got the idea in the last post that I simply don't have the time to blog as much lately with the new not so new job. Anyway, I do embrace the opportunity to update the blog and let you know what's been going on in the Duffey household.

First and foremost, we have a superstar ballerina in Toddler O. She'd been practicing for months now at her school and as the recital approached, she ABSOLUTELY would not reveal her "moves". I also recall, that as the recital was getting near, that we were worried that she would clam up on stage and get stage fright. After all, being in front of a crowd is one of the most feared things possible to do.

I guess I assumed that she'd be scared because I was when I was younger. I remember even in high school band as the lead trumpet doing solos, my heart would beat literally out of my chest before the solo. Yeah, I admitted it to the world, I was a band nerd.

I digress... Back to the recital. Toddler O did great, and clearly was not fearful at all and worked the audience. Not only were her dance moves spot on, she hammed up the crowd with a few extras.

Great job O.

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