Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Juice: Update

Okay you all... So shortly after my my first post about treatment, my body took a turn for the worst. I was feeling pretty okay when I was writing the post, but about two hours afterwards, it hit me like a Chuck Norris kick to the temple. Wow! About 6pm through out the rest of the night I felt like I never have felt before. They say it's like the flu -- I say worse. Aches were pretty tough, but the fever and chills were horrible. It was like hours and hours of the stuff they put in you for a contrast CT scan. I think it is bromine???

I'm done with my rant. This morning brought a much better outcome. I still have some soreness, but the fever and chills are gone. Yea! I feel like I can at least be somewhat productive. Maybe enjoy Hot Wife and Baby O a little. I think I should still take it easy for precaution, but I feel like a party in comparision to last night.


Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I'm so sorry Sam....that stinks! How many more do you have to do? How often? We're praying for you (and the fam)!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I'm so sorry Sam....that stinks! How many more do you have to do? How often? We're praying for you (and the fam)!

Sam Duffey said...

47 more weeks. Once a week on Fridays. It will definitely be a journey, but we'll make it through.

Mother said...

Sam. I am here. I am thinking of you constantly. on my knees daily.
I totally admire your strength. You are very brave. i appreciate Amy so much. God does take care of us. I've gone through Olivia's pictures at least twice today.

MaryMartha said...

Whoa! Look at you learning some medical lingo! Garret thinks you need to stay up really late on Thursday nights and just go all out then...and try to sleep all Friday!
love ya'll!

Sam Duffey said...

Thanks Megan for the comment. I am going to be doing the treatment for 48 weeks.